A call to action for Bay Area Cities
Video: Bringing Building Performance
Workshop to the San Francisco Bay Area
Hi, I am
George Matthews of Building Energy Compliance Testing, BECT, of the San
Francisco Bay Area.
sponsoring the Corbett and Grace Lundsford of the Building Performance Workshop
to come to Bay Area with the tiny house that they built as a tiny building
science laboratory and idea house on wheels. This
is their Tiny House/Proof is Possible - US Tour 2016.
Video: Show
Pic of SF Bay Area from maps.google.com
wrote the book on home performance diagnostics, literally, here it is. Corbett
is a superstar of building performance who had created scores of high quality
building performance diagnostic videos – Here is your chance to meet and learn
from him.
Grace and their baby daughter Nanette (and two cats!) are traveling across the
USA showing off building energy science and diagnostics in their tiny house lab
and they need some places to park it give tours and classes plus show it off from
October second to the eighth 2016. That’s
next month!
City of San
Francisco, Berkeley, Palo Alto, San Jose, Sonoma County – You are the leaders
in civic energy. Can you lend us a parking spot next to your Building
Please contact us at 510 520 4443 or bectesting@gmail.com if you’d like us to come to your parking lot with curious people.
Proof is
possible - come find out how on the Tiny House 2016 Tour – San Francisco Bay
This is
George Matthews at Building Energy Compliance Testing, BECT