Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How to become energy independent, save money, breath better air, put Americans to work, enjoy better health and mitigate climate change

The way to the above is to use State, Utility sponsored and Federal energy  programs to  reduce your energy use and buy your own renewable energy system. Rebates and tax credits help to incentivize these programs. The programs ensure that only certified and trained contractors participate in the program. They also ensure quality by testing and documenting savings to ensure health, safety, compliance and guard against fraud.

In California, a homeowner can get into a wide variety of City, state, Utility sponsored and Federal  programs to help them become energy independent.

FINANCING: First, financing of energy investments and upgrades is available via PACE, Property Assessed Clean Energy loans. These are loans that you pay back through your property taxes as a voluntary long-term assessment. If you own your house, are up-to-date on property taxes and have no liens, you qualify. No credit checks are necessary. These are helpful for those whose credit was ruined by the 2008 economic meltdown and are reestablishing credit.  Check out California First and HERO.

MUNICIPAL PROGRAMS: Cities such as San Francisco, Berkeley, Walnut Creek and Pittsburg have municipal programs. Search for your particular city and see what they want to do to help you do. Walnut Creek has a solar bulk buy program with a list of participating contractors who are trained and insured to City specs (high).

STATE PROGRAMS: The State of California has Energy Upgrade California in which pairs home owners with trained participating contractors who holistically assess a house and come up with a custom menu of items to insulate, air-seal, upgrade furnaces, air conditioners, ducts, windows, walls and improve air quality via better ventilation. There are some big rebates for this. You could potentially get $6,500 if your house is a energy hog getting the full energy efficiency makeover.

FEDERAL TAX CREDITS: As of this writing the Federal tax credit for home solar energy is still a go. It lasts til the end of 2015. In California the electric utilities are pushing the California Public Utility Commission to lessen the now solar-positive rate-structure to one in which will be less of a money saver. So get yourself in contract to purchase solar before the end of 2015.

Multi-Family PROPERTY INCENTIVES: Multi-Family Apartment owners can get a State tax credit when they remodel. In the commercial apartments industry, units are rehabbed about every ten plus years. Wouldn’t you like to do an energy retrofit while you remodel? The PCAC Tax Allocation Committee tax break gives you back tax dollars while you guarantee future apartment dwellers low energy bills and comfort for the next few decades.

Commercial Properties: Have an old commercial building that you’d like to do an energy retrofit on? PG&E’s Retro-Commissioning program provides rebates for equipment retrofits  based on savings and technical assistance to help building systems run at top efficiency.
No cash on hand for the project? Use PG&E’s on-bill financing. You can get a zero percent loan for up to $100,000 for approved energy efficiency installation projects.

Building a new house? The California Advanced Homes Program can get you incentives and technical help to build your house 15 or 30+ percent more energy efficient than the energy code allows.  You’ll want to start early in the planning process with your energy consultant to bring all the players in the design and construction of the house together to act as a team.

SCHOOLS: In charge of a school? Prop 39 money is available for lighting, air conditioners, heating systems and solar roofs. Find a qualified energy auditor who can model the building and it’s energy features for a before and after energy cost analysis. Better lights create better learning. Well lit and comfortable spaces with good air quality allow students the comfort to concentrate on their learning rather than the draft in the room or irritating lights that causes eye strain and headaches. The financing is right here to make our schools great places to learn.

CARS: Described as the ”Holy grail” of green driving, buying an electric car and enough solar panels to power it is now do-able. Solar electric is now cheaper than utility electricity. There are many electric cars to choose from so you need not kick down $75K+ K for a Tesla 65. What better way to say, “Successful 30 year old tech company CTO. I rule” Right now, lesser mortals can buy a 4 year old used Nissan Leaf with 35K miles on it for $10,000. Do it and tell oil companies, “No thanks!”

Doing all these things together? That is how we create an energy efficient economy that lessens our dependent on the Middle East, oil spill disasters, local air pollution and mitigates carbon-induced global climate change.
Ready for the next energy economy? It is just waiting to for you to act. There is plenty of help and financial assistance here now. Go now, do it, make it happen.    

George Matthews
Building Energy Compliance Testing
San Francisco to Silicon Valley

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